Maltese Care and Development
When you own a dog, training is an essential component. Training builds confidence, stimulates the mind, and enriches the human-animal bond. Most people believe that training is about teaching your dog cool tricks, however the mental & behavior benefits associated with learning far outweigh the “cool effect ” of the trick itself. Maltese are so very loveable but by spending quality training time can make those moments calm and more enjoyable but not having to quite and settle your pup to enjoy them together.
We routinely take each of our Maltese’to the grocery store, pet stores and even our local home center stores to give them the opportunity to see the world and people in it. This socialization helps to build their confidence and makes them stronger and more ready to deal with the challenges of being a small dog in a big world. One of our males is finishing his training to become a therapy dog. With all the love these little guys are capable of its a crime to not try and share some with those sick and elderly that need it most.
We like to caution Maltese owners to the idea of dog park play. Dog parks tend to be riddled with potential problems from health related issues to aggressive play by bigger dogs. If I have heard it once I have heard it dozens of times to how friendly someone’s dog is only to witness it be aggressive moments after the owner’s commitments to gentle play. We treat each of our dogs like part of the family and have no desire to put them in harm’s way. Dog parks can be great but the benefits of socialization can be done elsewhere in healthier conditions then dog parks.
Choosing a food can be very difficult for new pet owners. The choices are endless and the amount of opinions are even greater. While we share the positive opinions about human grade pet products we also understand the cost for such products can be expensive for the average pet food budget. After weighing all the options and opinions we recommend a mixture of both wet and dry science diet products for small/ mini dogs.
We also recommend mixing in some fresh raw green vegetables , like spinach and green beans into the food daily. We do opt for human grade training treats like Full Moon Savory Bites for training rewards. See the links at the bottom of the page of our favorite foods and treats.
You can expect our puppies to receive all their first series of shots at about 8-10 weeks. Follow ups and boosters are typically done by the new adopting parents but depending on the time line for adoption they may have those secondary shots and boosters through Windswept veterinarian.
The hair of the Maltese is what practically defines the breed. One of the greatest features of a Maltese is their hypoallergenic coat. They do not shed but weekly grooming is required by the owner to insure a healthy and beautiful white coat. Dog shows will forever showcase the beauty of long hair Maltese. Its brilliant white color and long flowing hair are such a sight to see. However, its important to highlight that if your not up to the challenge of brushing and combing your Maltese 2-3 times a week then the breed might not be for you. Lack of attention to the grooming needs of a Maltese can result in large mats in the canine coat that can be quite painful to brush and or cut out. We recommend by bi-weekly baths at the very least using a gentle care shampoo as Maltese have been known for skin allergies.
It’s very Important that at an early age your Maltese gets used to being handled and touched throughout their bodies. Its imperative that a well balanced dog can be touched and inspected all over for a variety of health and grooming reasons. Dealing with a Maltese eyes are one of those reason. Many would say the tear stains are a product of genetics while others would say that things like food and water can accelerate the excretions that stain your dogs eyes. Just open up an internet browser and search Maltese eye stains and you’ll see hundreds of products and suggestions to minimize the stains and how to clean them.
At the end of the day their is no real substitute for hard work and commitment. We try and always give bottled water and tend to stay away from foods that have chicken in them. Know it’s a process that requires attention daily, cleaning, scrubbing and cutting away those stained areas must be routinely cared for. However if you are going to attempt cutting be sure to have pet safe scissors with rounded ends since you will be working so close to their eye. We will include a list of eye care products in the getting ready for your Maltese chapter of the site. We at Windswept Farms always includes an additive to their water by Tropiclean and frequently give them Greenie treats as well.
No matter if you just obtained a Maltese puppy or if your adult Maltese has been part of your family for a while, now is the time to get into the habit of caring for the teeth. Your Maltese’s dental care is vital for good health yet is sadly overlooked by many owners. Like we mentioned earlier getting your Maltese puppy comfortable early in life with being touched and handled will make all the difference when it comes to dental care. There are tons of products out there to assist in the process. At the end of the day the process takes commitment .
Maltese will require Veterinarian Dental care once every year or two depending on the circumstances and what your veterinarian recommends. In between those visits regularly brushing your dogs teeth with a toothpaste formulated for dogs is highly recommended. We use a product by Virbac named C.E.T. Enzymatic and recommend that to our clients, along with a doggy toothbrush and/ or a fingertip brush should go along way to insure solid dental health for your puppy.